(An Extract from Presidential Charge of Dr. Mrs. Lydia Olukemi Odedeji, Mama Lagos West delivered at 2024 Diocesan Women Conference held at Caroline Adefiola Adebiyi Women Conference Centre, Ipaja, Lagos on Friday August 30, 2024)
“But godliness with contentment is great gain”
We live in a world that has been plagued by an unquenchable thirst for getting more and more of the things we think we need to be truly satisfied and happy. It may be a thirst for money or the things that money can buy, or even a thirst for position and power. Jesus made it clear that true life does not depend on an abundance of possessions. He did not deny that we have certain basic needs (Matt 6:32; 1 Tim 6:17). He only affirmed that we will not make life richer by acquiring more of these things. Mark Twain once defined "civilization" as "a limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities," and he was right.
The importance of godliness and contentment cannot be overemphasized. Unfortunately, these are scarce commodities in our world today. If there is any time to preach, teach, and promote these virtues, especially among believers, the time is now. It is grossly erroneous to think that more money, better cars, better jobs, e.t.c, will give the desired satisfaction and happiness. One of the dangers of this faulty mindset about earthly possessions is that it systematically drives out the virtues of godliness and contentment from a person s life, and replaces them with ungodliness and greed, thereby opening the room for all sorts of satanic infiltrations and possessions.
In North Africa, the natives have a very easy way to capture monkeys. A gourd with a hole just sufficiently large so that a monkey can thrust his hand into, it is filled with nuts and fastened firmly to a branch of a tree at sunset. During the night a monkey will discover the scent of food and will put his hand into the gourd and grasp a handful of nuts. But the hole is too small for the monkey to withdraw his clenched fist, and he does not have sense enough to let go of his bounty so that he may escape. Thus he pulls and pulls without success, and when morning comes he is quickly and easily taken"This is a perfect strategy the devil is using on many Christians today. In the quest to have more and more they become open to the devil s attack and many have been wounded as a result of this. Whoever will survive this time cannot depend on prayer alone, we have to put on the whole armour of God and be ready to manage himself or herself. One of the ways to navigate this terrible time is the virtue of contentment which Paul defined to be of great gain.
Many people today think life is a race where you must be the best at everything. We might want a fancier car, a bigger house, a better-earning job, or more money. The moment we achieve one thing, the race for the next thing starts. Rarely do many individuals spare a minute to just sit back, relax, and be grateful for all they have achieved. Instead of looking back at the distance they have covered, they stretch themselves to cover the distance that remains. And in some cases, this is when ambition becomes greed.
Our theme for discussion, therefore, poses a great challenge to this present immoral and decaying world. It challenges our society which is characterized by a “do-more, get more and be more” mentality, especially about money and possession Therefore, the aptness and timeliness of such a topic as this and for a gathering of Christian women cannot be appreciated enough. This year s theme is divine, a divine instruction to how we can strike the balance between righteousness and wealth-building, between aspiration and fulfillment, and between human goals and divine mandate. It is a call to take it easy, a call to be calm, a call to wisdom, a call to shun covetousness and embrace contentment, a call to involve God in our pursuit, a call to differentiate between our needs and wants, a call to live a life of peace that is not depended on our bank account, a call to joy that passes all human understanding, a call to shift of mindset from what is temporal to eternal things that have eternal values.
A good and rewarding understanding of the theme at hand demands, very importantly, a concise knowledge of the First Epistle of Paul to Timothy. No doubt, this will form a part of a solid background for our study
The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy
The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy is classified, along with the Second Epistle to Timothy and Paul s Letter to Titus, as Pastoral Epistles. This is because these Epistles address church governance, organization, and personal instructions to church leaders. The majority of Christian Scholars hold the view that 1st Timothy was written by Apostle Paul to Timothy in the mid-60s A. D. This view is based on the Greeting in verses 1 and 2 of the first chapter which says “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our saviour and of Christ our hope. To Timothy, my true child in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord” Timothy was a young Pastor in charge of the Church at Ephesus. He had been a help to Paul in the ministry. Though, a Greek, he was not just a co-worker with Paul, but also a Son to Paul in the Lord.
Purpose of the Epistle
Probably, due to Timothy s young age and lack of experience in leadership, Paul felt the need to encourage and guide him in his leadership role as the head of the Church at Ephesus. These guides border on church organization, instructions for worship gathering, qualifications of elders, and specific instructions to Timothy as the Leader of the Church.
Though there are many issues addressed in this letter, however, a good study of the First Epistle to Timothy would reveal that the larger picture in this Letter in terms of its major theme is that the Gospel of Christ leads to a practical, visible change in believers’ lives. In other words, the true gospel, in contrast to false teaching, must and will always lead to godliness. The focus of this letter is that true Christianity is shown in lifestyles shaped by the gospel of Christ. Those whose lives are not shaped by the gospel have turned away from the faith or they were never in the faith even if they are in the church (1:6, 19-20; 4:1; 5:6, 8, 11-12, 15; 6:9-10). For the sake of emphasis, through this epistle, we understand that apart from the eternal life the Lord offers us, godliness and contentment are another result of our relationship with Christ while still living in this world.
1 Timothy Chapter 6 Verse 6 in Context
From Chapter 1 to Chapter 6:2, Paul gives a series of teachings, warnings, and instructions to Timothy, his son in the Lord. In verse 2 of chapter 6, he instructed Timothy to teach the church the wholesome doctrines he had handed over to him because they would promote a godly life. However, he noted that the possibility that false teachers would contradict his teachings was there. Therefore, against the faulty mentality of the false teachers that godliness or religion must necessarily lead to material or financial gain, Apostle Paul was unequivocal about the fact that the true gain or wealth that is worth our pursuit is Godliness and contentment. In other words, godlikeness or devoutness and reverence to God accompanied by the sense of satisfaction and gratitude for what He has given is the true riches or gain that transcends this life.
From verse 7 downward, Paul gives various reasons why godliness and contentment are great gains. The reasons are as follows;
Meaning of Godliness, Contentment, and Gain
There are three major words in our theme. These are Godliness, Contentment, and Gain. It is worthwhile to explore these concepts one after the other to get the best of this theme.
According to an online dictionary, godliness is the quality or practice of conforming to the laws and wishes of God. It also means devoutness and moral uprightness. Also, the Cambridge Dictionary defines godliness as the quality of being godly i.e. obeying and respecting God. Merriam-Webster Dictionary says “Godliness is the quality of being spiritually pure or virtuous”. Other words for godliness include but are not limited to morality, sanctity, uprightness piousness, etc.
In addition, according to Strong s Concordance, the word godliness is translated from the Geek word ‘eusibeia’ which means “awe, respect for the divine and the social order”. It occurs mostly in 1 Timothy, Titus, and 2 Peter. To be particular, the word is used in the New Testament in the sense of “awesome respect accorded to God, devoutness, piety and godliness”. Thus within the scriptures, godliness refers to reverence or devotion and loyalty to God. (Ps. 12:1; Heb. 12:28). It is living a fruitful obedient Christian life. Furthermore, godliness in the Bible is normally used to describe a positive way of life influenced by God. Furthermore, godliness describes a life based on or influenced by one s devotion to God (2 Tim. 6:12). Thus, godliness is always devotion in action. This devotion is not an activity; it is an attitude towards God. This attitude is composed of three essential elements. They are;
Most dictionaries define contentment as a “state of happiness and satisfaction”. For instance, the Collins Dictionary states that “Contentment is a feeling of quiet happiness and satisfaction”. Cambridge Dictionary defines contentment as “happiness and satisfaction, often because you have achieved everything you need”. In Mathew 6:25, Jesus says “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more important than clothes?”
In essence, Jesus is saying that his followers should be content with what they have. The word “worry” indicates “anxiety”, by this the followers of Jesus are not to be under any undue pressure for any material thing.
Furthermore, the way this word is used in the epistles gives a deeper understanding of the concept. For instance, Paul the Apostle suffered a lot because of the ministry. 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 gives us a glimpse of his travails. He was beaten, persecuted, suffered shipwreck, and many times without food, yet in his Epistle to the Philippians, he says he has learned to be content in whatever situation he found himself in. (Phil. 4:11-13). And in verse 13, the secret of his contentment is made known when he says “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength”. In other words, Paul was thankful, happy, and satisfied with his present condition and at the same time trusting God to do or achieve other things he desired. This is to say that contentment is being satisfied with what we have, who we are, and where we are going.
The word “gain” could be used as a verb or a noun. As a verb, the Cambridge Dictionary defines it as “to get something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over some time”. Another dictionary defines “gain” thus: “to get something desired, especially as a result of one s effort; to improve; make progress”. As a noun, the word “gain” could mean “profit; advantage; an increase; advance or reward of an effort”. It is in the sense of advantage or reward that the word “gain” is used in 1 Timothy 6.
From our text, we have the following lessons.
Contrary to what many popular health-and-wealth proponents would have us believe, the Bible warns us against pursuing riches (Proverbs 23:4; Matthew 6:19). It is impossible to be content when our hearts are set on gaining more. We will not remain godly for long if we are not content with what God has given us. A desire for godliness is quickly eroded by a greedy, covetous spirit.
Why is contentment a great gain?
Contentment prevents you from various forms of temptation: “People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction… the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (v. 9, 10). If you set your heart on money, you expose yourself to powerful temptations that ruin many people. In the parable of the sower, our Lord speaks about the “seed that is choked by thorns and thistles.” The seed is God s Word. The thorns and thistles are “the worries of this life, and the deceitfulness of wealth, and the desires for other things” (Mark 4:19). Money is capable of choking the fruit of God s Word in the lives of people.
Contentment brings joy and satisfaction even in the midst of little: Contentment promotes happiness. When you are content with the present, you are letting go of the painful cravings for what you can’t have. As a result, acceptance settles in. Therefore, when you accept your situation, you are allowing yourself to be happy. Being grateful for everything you do have instead of spending most of your time thinking about what you can’t have could make life a lot more beautiful. Money is a great servant but a terrible master. If the heart is set on money, money will break the heart. You will not keep what you gain. That s why godliness with contentment is a great gain. When you have less, learn the art of contentment. This rare jewel is not found when you have more, but when you have less. Contentment builds stronger relationships: When you allow yourself to be contented, you are also telling yourself to accept others as they are. The benefits of contentment are not limited to your well-being; they can also encompass relationships. Accepting others, including their flaws, and being content with the present may fuel feelings of happiness and prosperity in relationships, making them stronger. It can enrich relationships with trust and appreciation as well as promote healing and growth.
Godliness is the goal of Christ for every believer who is still alive: Godliness is God s number one priority for His children. He desires to have people who are being conformed into the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ (Rom.12:1-2). It gives God joy when more of Christ is seen in our actions, thoughts, and words. Thus, in 1 Peter 1:16, the scriptures say “it is written “You shall be holy, for I am holy” In the same vein, contentment in us shows Christ s likeness. Jesus refused the offer of satan during his temptation.
There is a need for godliness and contentment today because the times are perilous: The evil in this age and time is great because the time is perilous (2 Tim 3:1; Gal 1:4). Therefore, to live a victorious life now requires godliness and contentment. Another word for godliness is righteousness. Hence Proverbs 14:34 says “Righteousness exalt a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”. In another place, the Bible says “But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord s own house. They will flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green” (Ps. 92 12-14. NLT). True righteousness will always produce contentment. Thus, a righteous person will be content by default.
Godliness and Contentment are the sure signs of our obedience and trust in the Lord: To be Christ-like is the desire of our heavenly Father. However, the road to Christ s likeness is the way of obedience. Doing what the Lord wants and walking in his steps in the power of the Holy Spirit are disciplines that will engender godliness in us. Therefore, if we are not obedient to the Lord, there is no evidence of godliness. In like manner, it will be difficult to conclude that a person is content if such a person lacks trust in the Lord. Most times, it is a lack of trust that makes many worry unnecessarily and find ungodly ways to help themselves.
Godliness and contentment are extremely important to the success of the Great Commission: Every believer is an evangelist. Everyone must engage in the propagation of the gospel. Souls must be worn for Christ. This is our ultimate duty. Unfortunately, one of the impediments to the growth of Christianity today is the obvious lack of godliness and contentment among many Christians. The words of our mouths are not enough to bring people into the fold of Christ. There is a great need for us Christians to pattern our lives after that of Christ. It is when this happens that our evangelism can have meaningful success today. Let us consider the admonition of Paul to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:16, “Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your salvation and the salvation of those who hear you”. It is evident from the above scripture that godliness is a vital ingredient for reaching the lost as well as our own spiritual life. Also, contentment is a veritable key to impactful evangelism. However, the practice of Christianity today has lost the virtue of contentment as most of the sermons on the pulpits and prayers are centered on more material blessings. No doubt, a murmuring, discontent, grumbling, and complaining Christian will never have any positive influence on others. People will never believe the life-changing hope of the gospel until they see those who embrace it living and acting in ways contrary to the world.
The Need to make a difference: God has called us out of darkness into the kingdom of light of His dear Son. He also called out to make a difference in this world. The need to make a difference through godly living and contentment today cannot be overemphasized. According to Matthew 5:13-14, it is our responsibility to be the light and salt in the world. As the light, believers are to live godly in this world to please God and show the godly way to others. Also, as salt, believers have the responsibility to influence the world for good. Unfortunately, many believers are not living as true light and salt in the world. If a believer is not making any difference in this world now. Such a person is a liar and does not belong to God.
Godliness and Contentment are veritable tools for building a godly future generation: Whatever the present generation looks like, it is the reflection of the past. And what becomes of the next generation will be the product of this present generation. The moral decadence in our society today is due largely to the ungodly parenting styles prevalent now. Also, the obvious manifestation of greed in society today is a result of a lack of contentment. Our children need to see us live a life that is godly and full of contentment. This is a sure way to train them to live godly and be filled with contentment in the future. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it”. Our children need to have the right moral orientations and spiritual mentoring. This gives them a solid foundation to navigate the future successfully. Imagine how bad society is now, and how is it going to be in the near future. This is just to emphasize the need to live godly and with contentment not only for ourselves but for the future generation.
Contentment is not complacency: There is a question we must answer to balance this charge- the call for contentment by Paul, does Paul mean we should not try to improve our current situation, find a better job, earn more money, or further our education? Are we supposed to passively sit back and watch life go by? To answer this we have to understand the two concepts very well. Being content means that YOU DO NOT NEED MORE to be happy. Everything that you need to be happy is what you already have. It means that you are not unhappy with your situation (being content) while you also continue to work hard to improve (not becoming complacent). It means that you continue to work to get better (avoiding complacency) while you do not stop yourself from being happy in the moment (remaining content). The feeling of contentment does not depict having everything you want but being grateful for the things you have presently while striving towards achieving other things. Contentment is a step towards fulfillment. It is being satisfied with taking steps toward the goal today — while understanding that tomorrow will call for more steps toward the goal. As regards complacency, I love the way Toyin Adetoro puts it- Complacency refers to being satisfied with the current position even when seeing the need for improvement but not making many attempts to improve. Complacency often connotes laziness. A complacent person will often not put their best into any job or task; they put in the minimum effort. Complacency hinders an individual from getting the best of their potential or abilities. Complacency is characterized by a lack of self-awareness and an absence of the desire for improvement. It often implies a sense of smugness or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one s achievements. Complacency can lead to stagnation because it involves ignoring potential problems, challenges, or growth opportunities. It is often viewed negatively, as it can fail to adapt to changing circumstances or to strive for better outcomes.
The connecting line between these two is satisfaction. Both depict a form of satisfaction. One is self –satisfaction with no attempt to improve while the other is satisfaction and continuous improvement to ensure that the satisfaction exceeds beyond the present. The truth is, that continuous self-evaluation is necessary in every aspect of our lives; am I satisfied in this area? Is there something I can do better to improve? Am I making sufficient attempts towards improvement? No one is perfect and there is always something that can be enhanced. Identify what value you can add to any area of your life and start from there. Complacency is different from being content. Being complacent is similar to being lazy. Often when we get upset with our current situation but refuse to work to improve, we are being complacent. A complacent person never works to reach their potential because they feel that it is pointless. They go through the motions, always blaming external things for their shortcomings. The difference between contentment and complacency is a subtle one. Being content means being happy. Being complacent means refusing to work to improve.
Here are some key differences between contentment and complacency:
In summary, contentment is a balanced state that allows for happiness in the present while still engaging with life s opportunities and challenges. It reflects a deep-seated peace that is not dependent on external circumstances. Complacency, however, is a self-satisfied state that rejects change and improvement, potentially leading to negative consequences. The key lies in maintaining a sense of contentment that fuels a healthy motivation for personal and communal growth, rather than settling into complacency.
When we apply this to our spiritual life-
Biblical Examples of People with Godliness and Contentment
There are many characters in the Bible who demonstrated godliness and contentment in their lives, and today they serve as examples and motivations to us. These people were unapologetically devoted to the Lord and were content with all that God gave them. For the want of time, we shall look at some selected people from the Old and the New Testaments.
Enoch- The testimony about Enoch is enough to motivate every believer to live for God and him alone. The Bible says “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him” (Gen. 5:24). The Hebrew word for “walked” conveys an idea of a close relationship with God. In other words, Enoch lived a godly life and was satisfied with his life in God. Remarkably, because of this special relationship, Enoch did not see death.
Hannah- (1 Samuel 1 & 2) Hannah was a godly woman. She was the wife of Elkanah and Samuel s mother. When she was childless, she put her faith in God. Despite being taunted by her co-wife, she exercised the highest level of restraint and depended on God to fight her battle for her. God answered her prayer, and she gave birth to Samuel. Hannah s godly character was also shown when she kept her promise and took Samuel to serve at the Tabernacle when he was still a little boy. Her character portrays godliness and contentment.
Daniel- Daniel was an Israelite in the Babylonian captivity. Even in a strange land, he did not abandon the faith and God of his fathers. Rather, he lived according to the law of Yahweh in the land that was full of idols. He was faithful in his duty. He was a man full of faith in his God. He never lobbied for any position. He was godly and contended all the time. God lifted him so greatly in a strange land that he was envied and persecuted, but God fought his battles.
Mary Mother of Jesus- She was a young Jewish woman, and she was a virgin at the time she gave birth to Jesus, having conceived God s son miraculously. Mary humbly accepted God s will for her life when the angel appeared to her informing her of divine mandate for her. (Luke 1:26-33). She was a faithful woman who willingly accepted a serious responsibility.
Paul the Apostle- He was an apostle with excellence. He lived an exemplary life which he was bold enough to tell other believers to emulate (1 Cor. 4:16, 11:1). The apostle was godly in his character, and at the end of his ministry, he said “I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:17). The scriptures also attest to his contentment in Philippians 4:11-13. Paul himself said “…for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:11-13).
Jesus Christ- Though He was God in the human flesh, he also lived like men in this world to be the greatest example to follow. 1 Peter 2:21 says “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps”. And verse 22 says “He did not sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth”. In his earthly life, Jesus Christ lived godly, and no sin was found in him. He also lived contently such that he was not moved by the things of this world. In his temptation, we see this; when satan wanted to lure him with the riches of this world, he rejected it and affirmed his loyalty to the Father only. Jesus Christ is our ultimate role model in all things.
How can we develop a life of contentment?
First, it is very important to understand that without the gift of salvation by grace through faith, no man or woman can truly be godly. It is when we are made new creations in Christ, when we become Born-again that the Holy Spirit dwells in us to produce the fruit of the Spirit. (2 Cor.5:7, Gal. 5:22ff).
Secondly, it should be noted that growth in godliness and contentment is largely determined by our progress in self-discipline. There are no two ways to grow in godliness except to train, exercise, or discipline oneself. For this reason, Apostle Paul admonished Paul thus: “Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. Physical training is good, but training for godliness is better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” (1 Tim. 4:7-8).
The following are the five areas we must daily exercise ourselves to develop godliness and contentment:
However, for us to live a life of contentment, we must be ready to discipline our minds and cautiously choose our thoughts. A Christian comes to contentment, not so much by way of addition as by way of subtraction… Contentment does not come by adding to what you have, but by subtracting from what you desire. The world says that you will find contentment when your possessions rise to meet the level of your desires… The Christian has another way to contentment, that is, he can bring his desires down to his possessions.
Self-control helps, most importantly in the area of contentment.
Our self-control must be evident in the following areas; thoughts (Prov. 4:2), emotions (Eph. 4:26), appetite (1 John 2:15-17), and words (Prov. 4:29, 10:19)
Implication of Godliness and Contentment to Today s Woman
The implications of godliness and contentment to women of today are as follows:
Benefits of Godliness and Contentment.
Our main text; 1 Tim 6:6 “Godliness with contentment is great gain” is unequivocal enough to tell its readers that there are benefits we stand to enjoy in living godly and contented. Also in the eighth verse of the fourth chapter of the same epistle, the writer makes it known to us that the benefit of godliness transcends this decaying world. Let us examine some of the benefits of godliness and contentment a believer will enjoy.
Unhindered Access to God- Though we cannot see God we communicate with Him in prayers and other aspects of our worship life. However, our accessibility to God can be hampered by ungodly living. “Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation” (Ps. 24:3-5. ESV). A life in godliness and contentment gains unhindered access to God in prayer and worship.
True Peace- A life of godliness and contentment is a sure way to true and lasting peace of mind. One of the age-long deceits of the devil is ‘more money or possession give peace’. This is not true at all; for the Lord says “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15). True peace can only come from God (John 14:27). When we are satisfied and thankful with what God has given, we enjoy peace that passes all human understanding. “ do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus”. (Phil. 3:6-7 NLT). Godliness and contentment surely bring a stress-free life because there is no unnecessary pressure either internally or externally.
All-encompassing Prosperity- Godliness and contentment bring prosperity. God desires that his children prosper in everything; physically and spiritually (3 John 1-3). We have to understand that God s kind of prosperity is not limited to material gains like money, houses, cars, etc. The prosperity God gives encompasses a fruitful Christian life that showcases the glory, wisdom, and power of God, good health, and divine supply of needs. A godly and contented woman will enjoy true and all-encompassing prosperity. The Psalmist makes this known in chapter 1:1-3 “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditated day and night. He is like a tree planted by the streams of water that yields its fruits in its season, and its leafs does not wither. IN ALL THAT HE DOES, HE PROSPERS” (The emphasis is ours). You can also read Deuteronomy 28:1-14.
Divine Protection- Psalm 37:39-40 says “The Lord rescues the godly; he is their fortress in times of trouble. The Lord helps them, rescuing them from the wicked. He saves them, and they find shelter in him”. God is ever willing to save the godly from all evil. He is always committed to their welfare. Daniel is a good example. He was godly and contented with what the Lord Had done for him. When the enemies rose against him, he was rescued. Know that an ungodly person is like a city without a wall. So also a person without contentment. The fact is that contentment protects you from falling into temptations and many foolish and harmful desires that can plunge into ruins and destruction (1 Tim. 6:6). Many who wanted to become rich at all costs have been duped. Some of them have entered into secret cults which have rubbed them of their peace. Achan in the Book of Joshua chapter 7 brought evil to himself and his family because of greed. How about Gahaz who inherited the leprosy of Namman because of uncontrolled love for material gains?
Divine Leading- “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand” (Psalm 37: 23-24 NLT). God directs and establishes the steps of those who are godly and contented. He guides them away from errors that can destroy them. Even when they make mistakes, God gives them the grace of quick recovery.
Life is a race with no specific time frame but we all know we shall not be here forever. This affords us the wisdom to enjoy every moment of our lives. To live every moment with joy, we need the grace of contentment because no one can have everything in the world. Something will be lacking. Therefore, let us put our hearts together in God and rest on Him who is our sufficiency and put our mind to rest. Godliness describes a God-like life; a life that is influenced by reverence and devotion to the Lord. The center of a life that is godly is God himself. The characteristics of a godly life are; fear of God, love for God, and desire for God. Godliness is not an activity but a lifestyle. It is about our relationship with God which is full of obedience and loyalty to him. True godliness will naturally produce contentment; a satisfied life which is a result of deep trust in God. A contented woman is far from worry or anxiety but is full of gratitude to God. Contentment should not be confused with complacency; complacency is laziness of the highest order, but contentment is about a satisfied and grateful heart with the hope and work for a better future
The need to take seriously the matter of godly living and contented life has become extremely important now, especially, for Christian mothers. One major mark of our union with Christ is a life of godliness and contentment. Moreover, we cannot afford to jeopardize the future of our children with worldliness and greed. To make a difference that will resonate in the life of the coming generation, godly and contented living is a must. Interestingly, we have many examples to follow in the Bible, but ultimately, Jesus Christ is our greatest example. Our union with Christ provides the fertile ground to grow in godliness. However, like Paul, we must learn the secret and daily cultivate, through spiritual exercise of meditation, prayer, and self-control to develop the virtues of godliness and contentment. As we grow in our relationship with Christ, the presence of godliness and contentment in us must be confirmed in our lives by the manifestation of purity, self-control, modesty, humility, and other godly virtues befitting a virtuous woman. Only then can we enjoy all the goodness of God s grace available to the heirs of salvation.
1 It pays to serve Jesus, I speak from my heart;
He’ll always be with us if we do our part;
There s naught in this wide world can pleasure afford,
There s peace and contentment in serving the Lord.
I love Him far better than in days of yore,
I’ll serve Him more truly than ever before;
I’ll do as He bids me, whatever the cost,
I’ll be a true soldier — I’ll die at my post.
2 And oft when I’m tempted to turn from the track,
I think of my Savior — my mind wanders back
To the place where they nailed Him on Calvary s tree—
I hear a voice saying, I suffered for thee. [Refrain]
3 There s a place that remembrance still brings back to me,
’Twas there I found pardon — ’twas Heaven to me;
There Jesus spoke sweetly to my weary soul,
My sins were forgiven, He made my heart whole. [Refrain]
4 How rich is the blessing the world cannot give,
I’m satisfied fully for Jesus to live;
Tho’ friends may forsake me, and trials arise,
I’m trusting in Jesus, His love never dies. [Refrain]
Thank you for listening. God bless you all.
Dr. Mrs. Lydia Odedeji
President, Women Organization
Diocese of Lagos West
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